Trials Amplified 3/02/2020

Beating fast, with a heart heavy,  my mind races to catch every thought, and yet fails to give reason to the chaos. I read my own encouraging words from previous blogs, and once again I am humbled at where I am and what I've overcome. How is it that so often when we face trials, we forget what God has brought us through? As I face a heavy burden of what if’s, and how to, and what will be- I wonder how I forget so easy all the rough waters that he saved me from. We start trying to fix all the future woes that we see coming—rather than leaving it to God. What I often fail to understand is that we do not know the future and therefore the small delicate pieces of our lives although planned will often turn out better if we give it to God. 

     I was reminded today how important it is to be able to see the progress God has done. It is a reminder that - he keeps us all. These past few weeks, were trying – exhausting, fearful, and me- the one trying to survive. The cause—Life. Life is not easy—no one escapes from tears, pain, loss, or grief. Noone. 

     For me the fears in my head, and the tears on my cheek tattled their voice and encouraged the pain that I already felt. - How do I write a letter of hope when there are moments when I feel hopeless? How do I build someone up, when there are days when my legs don’t seem strong enough for even me? How I ask over and over and the answer --by the Grace of God.

     Today as I began to search in his word, I feel the familiar encouragement that says, “I am his”. I am reminded of the story of Job. A wealthy man of God and who found favor by God. Job lost his possessions, his livestock, and his family, --not because God is cruel, but rather because God’s faith in Job was as powerful as Job’s faith in God. One aspect of Job’s story struck an encouraging note for me today.

     Satan tempted God with the notion that Job was only sinless because he owned so much. He was rich, but if all that was taken away, he would surely curse God. Job 1:12 And the Lord said to Satan,” Behold, all that he has is in your hand. Only against him do not stretch out your hand” So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord.

     I find it amazing that before Satan could touch anything that belonged to Job, it had to be cleared from God. God is always in control. Even the evil of the world is govered by God. Why? Job 1:21 And said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.

     Today I am reminded that God has blessed me in so many ways and brought me through troubled waters, and low valleys, but that does not mean that trials will cease. For me to lose anything or everything, it will be because God allowed it, and thus has a purpose unbeknown to me. What if my trial is because God is merely showing his faith in me? Do I want to prove him right or wrong? Of course, my desire is to prove God right and by doing that I have to be okay with the weight of my burden and faithfully wait for God to say" Well done, my good and faithful servant."

     Job lost all his possessions and through faithfulness was restored, King David was sold by his brothers as a servant and became one of the greatest  Kings, John the Baptist was an orphan and became the greatest prophet known to man, and Jesus a man born in a manager, ultimately became our Savior through his sacrifice. Good will come out of hardship--If we just hold to our faith.

    All that I have is because God granted, all that will be or lost, will only be because God granted. We always have a choice and when we choose God's will over our own - miracles happen. We cannot fix the future because we do not know the future. We must rely on God to handle our life according to his will. No matter my fears, God only allows what he knows we can handle, and I will show faith in God as God has shown faith in me. 

Song Choice: Even if by Mercy Me